How to Grow Green Onions (Bunching Onions)

Allium fistulosum.


Green Onions, also known as Japanese Bunching Onions, have been used for centuries in Asia. These onions do not form a bulb but their tube-like leaves are used in both fresh dishes and for cooking.


Direct seed into your garden in early March. Lightly cover seeds. Seeds germinate best in warmer soil but will germinate in soil as cool as 60 degrees. Seeds will usually germinate in under 10 days. 


.5” in rows 2” apart.


Bunching Onions prefer full sun. They like fertile soil but will grow fine in most garden soils. It is important to keep your rows free of any weeds. The small plants do not compete well with weeds. They require average water. 


Harvest green onions in late spring and early summer. For a continual harvest, make multiple plantings.